How can you participate?

The net can’t work without the implication of people interested on the project. The idea is that each one could participate in one or other way to the construction of this “exchange platform”.

More precise, you can participate:

- Subscribing the mailing list, in order to be informed about ALTERURBANET activities and news, and to be able to share information or put yourself in contact with the others mailing list’s members.
- Making commentaries directly on the blog (each post leave the opportunity of writing your comments on it)
- Introduce yourself and your interests in the member’s presentation blog. This presentation is important in order to know who are participating on the net, and which are their working topics. This way, anyone interesting in the same kind of work, could directly contact you.
- Prepare a small presentation of your working topics related to ALTERURBANET issues. We will publish them as small articles in our blogs.

To publish your work and presentation or to put yourself in contact with us, u can write to ALTERURBANET’s e-mail ( or write to the mailing list for those that are already in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone

Its nice to see that you have come up with the forum that you were talking about when you were down here in Mumbai.

I am working on a project in the slums now and shall keep you updated.


7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi!! great to hear from u! are u on the mailing list? we would really like to know more about your slum project. please, keep us updated, why dont u publish anything about it on alterurbanet?



9:53 AM  

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